Gloomhaven mindthief guide
Gloomhaven mindthief guide

The elemental infusion table with all six elements set in the “Inert” column.Piles of damage tokens , money tokens , and condition tokens .A deck, however, may be modified by level-up bonuses, items, scenario effects, and the effects of the CURSE and BLESS conditions. A standard attack modifier deck consists of twenty cards as shown at the top of the page, not the character- specific modifier cards found in the character boxes. Shuffled decks of attack modifier cards for each player and one for the monsters .All monster statistic cards , with their corresponding standees, and monster ability cards set to one side in individual shuffled decks.A character mat for each player and the corresponding hand of ability cards for that character’s class , health and experience trackers , character tokens , a facedown battle goal card , and any equipped item cards .The configuration of overlay tiles and monsters for the first room should also be set up along with the character figures. The map tiles should be laid out with doors connecting them. A modular board of map tiles , constructed in a specific configuration using the Scenario Book as a reference (see Scenario Setup on pp.The following section will teach you the mechanics for playing through an individual scenario, using the first one in the Scenario Book, Black Barrow, as an example.

gloomhaven mindthief guide

Scenario Completion p.49 Special Conditions for Opening Envelopes p.49 Game Variant: Reduced Randomness p.49 Game Variant: Permanent Death p.50 Game Variant: Random Dungeon Deck pp.50–51 Credits p.51 Quick Guide p.52 (back cover)Ī. Town Records p.40 10.Ěchievements p.40 Playing a Campaign pp.41–47 1. Random Side Scenario Cards p.38 7.Ĝity and Road Event Cards p.39 8. Game Variant: Open Information and Solo Play p.16 Round Overview pp.16–31 1. Monster Ability Cards p.10 6.ěattle Goal Cards p.10 7.Ěttack Modifier Cards p.11įinishing a Scenario p.33 Special Scenario Rules p.34 Campaign Overview pp.34–40 1.

gloomhaven mindthief guide

Monster Interaction with Traps and Hazardous Terrain p.31ĭ. DZ DZ ShuffleDZDZDZDZDZDZattackDZandDZmonsterDZdecksDZwhereDZapplicable. DZ DZ OptionalDZshortDZrest:DZloseDZoneDZrandomDZdiscardDZandDZrecoverDZ theDZrest. PerformDZtopDZabilityDZofDZoneDZ cardDZandDZbottomDZabilityDZofDZ theDZotherDZinDZanyDZorder.ĮliteDZfirst,DZthenDZnormalDZinDZascendingDZnumericalDZorder.DZ FocusDZonDZDZDZDZDZDZclosest,DZDZDZDZDZDZlowestDZinitiative.DZ ThenDZmoveDZtoDZmaximizeDZattackDZonDZfocus. LoseDZoneDZdiscardDZ andDZrecoverDZtheDZrest,DZ HealDZDZDZDZDZ(self )DZand refreshDZDZDZDZDZDZspentDZitems.

gloomhaven mindthief guide

On turn: Init iat ive : B or A Choose one path Start of Round:ī LeadingDZcardDZplayed RevealDZmonsterDZactions,DZactDZinDZinitiativeDZDZorder.

Gloomhaven mindthief guide how to#

The second will teach you how to use the Scenario Book to link a series of adventures together to create a story of your own choosing, advancing your character’s abilities and unlocking new content to further enhance your experience. This rule book is split into two parts: The first part will teach you how to play through an individual scenario, interacting with monsters and the environment using character ability cards. Any revealed scenario, however, can also function as a highly variable stand-alone experience.

gloomhaven mindthief guide

The game is meant to be played as part of a campaign, where a group of players will use the accompanying Scenario Book to string together a series of adventures, unlocking new content for the game as they progress. STOP! If you would prefer to watch a video explanation of the rules, please visit Gloomhaven is a cooperative game of battling monsters and advancing a player’s own individual goals.

Gloomhaven mindthief guide