Vmeye app for iphone
Vmeye app for iphone


  • WAKE_LOCK: Allows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming.
  • VIBRATE: Allows access to the vibrator.
  • As such, you must explicitly declare your use of this facility to make that visible to the user. Though holding this permission does not have any security implications, it can have a negative impact on the user experience by increasing the amount of time it takes the system to start and allowing applications to have themselves running without the user being aware of them. If you don't request this permission, you will not receive the broadcast at that time.


    can watch playback on android phones and iphone, but not ipad. I intered all informations : IP, port that I already forwarded on my DVR, login and password. Y ou can dow nload apps in the E-m ar kets of corr espo nding m ob ile O S w ith keyw ords m eye or the nam e of the app, su ch as H B pl ayer and so on presently,you can visit: http: //appw orld.blackberr y. Doesnt work on 3g or wifi away from home This is a good simple app, when your at home.


  • RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast after the system finishes booting. issue VMEYE app on Iphone By ght3k7, Januin DVR Cards and Software - PC Based Systems Members 0 Posted JanuHi, I try to use vmeye on Iphone to access to my DVR (as it is described on the this DVR's CD).
  • I intered all informations : IP, port that I already forwarded on my DVR, login and password.

    vmeye app for iphone

  • INTERNET: Allows applications to open network sockets. Hi, I try to use vmeye on Iphone to access to my DVR (as it is described on the this DVR's CD).
  • vmeye app for iphone

  • BLUETOOTH_ADMIN: Allows applications to discover and pair bluetooth devices. The ultimate app comparison tool, created by you This page is fully customizable: add, remove, switch any app and add more compare criteria by using the editor.
  • BLUETOOTH: Allows applications to connect to paired bluetooth devices. Download vMEyeCloud for iOS to based on Cloud Technology, which enables users to use mobile surveillance without difficult setting like port forwarding any more You just need to.
  • vmeye app for iphone

  • ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: Allows applications to access information about Wi-Fi networks.
  • ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Allows applications to access information about networks.

  • Vmeye app for iphone